Communities on the internet are mourning the passing of Kabosu, the dog behind the popular Doge meme and Dogecoin mascot, who passed away at the age of 17 on May 25. Kabosu’s owner, Atsuko Sato, announced the sad news on her official blog, expressing her gratitude for the love and support shown to her and describing the peaceful passing of Kabosu without suffering. A farewell gathering in honor of Kabosu was scheduled for May 26, allowing fans to pay their respects to the beloved dog.

Kabosu first gained attention in 2010 when Sato shared photos of her on her blog, with a particular image capturing the dog’s skeptical and curious expression. This image quickly went viral and led to the creation of the iconic “Doge” meme. In 2013, Dogecoin was created, using Kabosu’s image as its official logo, and became a popular cryptocurrency known for its charitable initiatives and meme culture affiliations. Kabosu’s influence also extended to NFTs, with the original Doge image being minted as an NFT in 2023 and sold for $4 million.

The passing of Kabosu has united pop culture, meme culture, and crypto culture on the internet, as fans from various communities come together to remember the loss of a beloved internet icon. The legacy of Kabosu as the face of crypto culture will continue to inspire generations of meme enthusiasts and symbolize the spirit of community within online communities. Kabosu’s impact can also be seen in political campaigns, as evidenced by President Joe Biden’s reelection campaign announcement of hiring a “master of memes” on May 23.

The crypto community has expressed their condolences and shared tributes to Kabosu, recognizing her significance in the world of memes and cryptocurrency. Dogecoin co-creator Billy Markus called for support when news of Kabosu’s ill health was released, leading to an outpouring of offers to cover any expenses needed for her treatment. The official Shiba Inu token, a competitor to Dogecoin, also paid tribute to Kabosu and her impact on crypto culture, highlighting her role in inspiring a generation of meme makers and dog lovers.

Kabosu’s passing has emphasized the enduring influence of the iconic dog on the internet, with her image and spirit continuing to resonate with fans across various online communities. From her humble beginnings as a viral meme sensation to her role as a beloved cryptocurrency mascot, Kabosu’s legacy will live on as a symbol of unity, charity, and community spirit in the digital world. Fans will continue to cherish her memory and draw inspiration from her lasting impact on internet culture for years to come.

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