Llarissa Pye, a 29-year-old woman, made an unfortunate travel mistake when she flew 1,700 miles from the Canary Islands to England for her dad’s upcoming wedding, only to realize that she was a year early. Her father had gotten engaged to his partner of three years in December, and when he mentioned that the wedding would be on his birthday, she misunderstood it as short notice and rushed to make travel arrangements for May 31.

Excited to witness her father’s wedding, Pye booked a one-way flight, found a coworker to cover her shift, and texted her parents that she was on her way. However, as she settled on the plane, she turned her phone into sleep mode and missed the numerous calls and texts from her dad informing her that the wedding was actually scheduled for the following year. It was only when she looked at her phone and saw the notification that she realized her mistake.

Despite arriving in England a year before the wedding, Pye was able to try on bridesmaid dresses and spend time with her friends and family before heading back to the Canary Islands on June 4. She found the situation hilarious and couldn’t believe that she had managed to make such a blunder, especially since she typically considers herself to be fairly organized.

Her dad and stepmom were amused by the mix-up and continue to laugh about it. Pye’s friends and family were also shocked at how she managed to book a flight a year in advance without realizing it. The 29-year-old took the mistake in stride and joked about needing time to fix her tan lines before the actual wedding.

Despite the initial disappointment of showing up a year early, Pye made the most of her unexpected trip to England. She enjoyed spending time with her loved ones and was grateful for the opportunity to try on bridesmaid dresses and catch up with everyone. Pye’s positive attitude and ability to see the humor in the situation allowed her to embrace the unexpected adventure and make the most of her time in Cheshire, England.

Moving forward, Pye plans to stay better organized and double-check all future travel plans to avoid any similar mishaps. While the unexpected trip may have been a surprise, Pye was able to find the humor in the situation and enjoy her time with family and friends. She looks forward to attending the actual wedding next year and is grateful for the memories made during her premature visit.

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