Von der Leyen, who is campaigning for a second term as president of the commission, believes that meeting people from different backgrounds has been the best thing that could happen to her. Every time she asks what citizens want, the answer is the same: they want a strong Europe that takes care of, protects, and prospers. She believes that she is the right person to achieve this goal and is ready to build a majority in favor of a strong Europe. She wants to share her experience and determination to build a strong Europe.

Von der Leyen’s commitment to a strong Europe is reflected in her belief that the center must work, and she is prepared to do whatever it takes to make that happen. She is confident that she can build a majority in support of her vision for a Europe that is capable of taking care of its citizens, protecting them, and ensuring their prosperity. She emphasizes the importance of collaboration and sharing her experience and determination to achieve these goals. She believes that her leadership is needed to build a strong Europe that works for everyone.

Von der Leyen’s passion for building a strong Europe is evident in her determination to become president of the commission for a second term. She is committed to listening to citizens and taking their concerns into account as she works to build a majority in support of her vision for a strong and prosperous Europe. She is confident that she is the right person for the job and is ready to share her experience and determination to make her vision a reality. She believes that a strong Europe is essential for the well-being of its citizens and is committed to doing whatever it takes to achieve that goal.

Von der Leyen’s belief in the importance of a strong Europe is rooted in her interactions with citizens from all walks of life. She has heard time and time again that what people want is a Europe that is capable of taking care of its citizens, protecting them, and ensuring their prosperity. She is determined to build a majority in support of her vision for a Europe that is strong and prosperous, and she is committed to sharing her experience and determination to make that happen. She believes that her leadership is needed to build a Europe that works for everyone.

Von der Leyen’s determination to build a strong Europe is evident in her commitment to becoming president of the commission for a second term. She is passionate about listening to citizens and incorporating their concerns into her vision for a strong and prosperous Europe. She is confident that she is the right person for the job and is willing to share her experience and determination to turn her vision into reality. She believes that a strong Europe is crucial for the well-being of its citizens and is determined to do everything in her power to achieve this goal.

Von der Leyen’s dedication to a strong Europe is evident in her determination to become president of the commission for a second term. She is committed to building a majority in support of her vision for a Europe that takes care of its citizens, protects them, and ensures their prosperity. She is confident that she is the right person for the job and is ready to share her experience and determination to make her vision a reality. She believes that a strong Europe is essential for the well-being of its citizens and is dedicated to doing whatever it takes to achieve that goal.

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