Researchers at MIT are exploring the possibility of robots designing other robots, a concept that has sparked both fascination and concern. The MIT robotics lab is delving into the realm of “robotic soft co-design” with AI to understand the limits and potential of this technology. When designing a robot, considerations such as shape, actuator and sensor placement, and material properties must be taken into account. Functionality is also crucial, as demonstrated by Figure’s walking robot, which responds to physical challenges.

One unique approach taken by the MIT team is to task ChatGPT, an AI program, with generating robot designs. The program came up with creative and aesthetic designs, such as a berry-picking robot with a body resembling a strawberry. However, design researchers have noted flaws in the designs that suggest the AI may not be ready to design its own peers. To address this, diffusion models are being used to filter out design flaws and retain the necessary elements for a functional robot.

Researchers are exploring the concept of “breeding” robots using augmented diffusion models, which could lead to advancements in editability and the incorporation of human-designed elements. Johnson Tsun-Hsuan Wang, an MIT PhD student, envisions a future where robots grow from noise to a structured body through diffusion models, akin to the “gene” of a generated robot being modified for better physical utility. Wang’s “walking teapot” design exemplifies the potential for individuals to become robot makers.

The concept of AI creating robots raises questions about the extent of AI’s capabilities and its implications for society. Collaborating with AI systems to discover and apply their power to projects highlights the distinction between “building” and “discovering” these technological systems. As AI continues to advance, the possibility of AI “breeding” robots poses intriguing possibilities and challenges that warrant further exploration by students, researchers, and society as a whole. The evolving relationship between AI and robotics offers a glimpse into the potential future of technology and its impact on our daily lives.

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