Five Democratic House lawmakers are urging President Biden to reinstate Trump-era immigration policies in an effort to bring order to the Southern border. Among the policies they are advocating for are Title 42, which allowed for the swift deportation of migrants, and the Remain in Mexico program, which required asylum seekers to wait in Mexico for their US immigration hearings. These lawmakers, who previously voted in favor of a border security bill, believe that these policies are necessary to address the ongoing crisis at the border.

Their call for the reinstatement of these policies comes as the House failed to pass a border security bill proposed by House Speaker Mike Johnson. Despite this setback, the lawmakers remain committed to finding solutions to the crisis at the border and have also supported funding for Border Patrol in previous votes. They are urging President Biden to take executive action to reimplement these policies while also calling on leaders in both the House and Senate to pass legislation to give Border Patrol the expulsion authority it needs.

President Biden phased out the Remain in Mexico program shortly after taking office in 2021, a move that has since been criticized by some lawmakers and border security officials. The policy was aimed at processing asylum seekers’ cases while they waited in Mexico, but its discontinuation has led to increased challenges at the border. Additionally, the pandemic-era Title 42 policy, which allowed for swift deportations, was also ended by the Biden administration last summer, further complicating efforts to address the situation at the border.

Brandon Judd, the president of the National Border Patrol Council, has criticized the House of Representatives for approving billions of dollars in foreign aid while neglecting to address the migrant crisis at the Southern border. Judd believes that the lack of support for Border Patrol to secure the safety of the United States is concerning and has called for policy changes to address the ongoing challenges. The House’s decision to allocate funds for foreign aid while not adequately addressing border security has drawn criticism from Judd and others in the border security community.

Since Biden took office in 2021, over 7 million migrants have been encountered by US Customs and Border Protection agents along the Southern border, including nearly a million in the current fiscal year alone. These numbers highlight the severity of the crisis at the border and the need for effective policies and actions to address the ongoing challenges. Lawmakers, border security officials, and advocates are calling for a comprehensive approach to border security that includes reinstating effective policies, providing necessary resources, and taking action to address the root causes of migration.

In conclusion, the Democratic House lawmakers’ call for the reinstatement of Trump-era immigration policies, the challenges faced by Border Patrol, and the ongoing crisis at the Southern border underscore the need for a comprehensive and effective approach to border security. As Congress and the Biden administration grapple with these issues, finding solutions that address the root causes of migration, provide necessary resources for Border Patrol, and reinstate effective policies will be essential in bringing order to the Southern border and ensuring the safety and security of the United States.

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