Guelph residents are invited to attend an open house at the city’s operations facility to learn more about how the city maintains roads and parks throughout the year. The open house will be held on Municipal Street west of Edinburgh Road South this Saturday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Visitors will have the opportunity to take a ride in one of the new electric buses and explore city-owned vehicles such as garbage trucks, tractors, and loaders.

In addition to exploring vehicles, attendees will also have the chance to interact with members of various city services such as the Guelph Fire Department, Guelph Police Service, Guelph Wellington Paramedic Service, Guelph Transit, and the Guelph Humane Society. This provides a unique opportunity for residents to learn more about the roles these organizations play in maintaining the city and keeping residents safe. The open house aims to foster a greater understanding and appreciation for the work that these services do on a daily basis.

Admission to the open house is free, but visitors are encouraged to bring in a non-perishable food item for the Guelph Food Bank. This charitable component adds an opportunity for attendees to give back to the community while learning more about the city’s operations. By supporting the food bank, residents can help ensure that those in need have access to essential supplies and support. The open house serves as both an educational and philanthropic opportunity for residents of Guelph.

The interactive nature of the open house, with opportunities to ride in electric buses and explore various city vehicles, provides a hands-on experience for attendees. By allowing residents to see firsthand the equipment and vehicles used to maintain the city’s infrastructure, the event helps to demystify the work that goes on behind the scenes. This can help foster a greater sense of appreciation for the dedicated employees and services that work tirelessly to keep Guelph running smoothly.

Overall, the open house at the city’s operations facility offers a unique opportunity for Guelph residents to learn more about the inner workings of the city and the various services that contribute to its maintenance and safety. By encouraging interaction with city vehicles and personnel, the event aims to create a greater understanding and appreciation for the work that goes into keeping Guelph a thriving community. Additionally, the charitable component of collecting non-perishable food items for the Guelph Food Bank allows residents to give back while engaging with their city in a meaningful way.

Residents of Guelph are encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity to learn more about the city’s operations and to show their support for the essential services that contribute to the well-being of the community. With a range of activities and opportunities for interaction, the open house promises to be an engaging and informative event for attendees of all ages. By participating in this event, residents can gain a greater appreciation for the work that goes into maintaining the city and supporting those in need, while also enjoying a fun and educational experience.

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