Louisiana Rep. Garret Graves announced that he would not seek re-election due to the redistricting battle recently decided by the Supreme Court. The Republican lawmaker cited the redistricting process, saying that running for Congress in any temporary district would not make sense and would cause permanent damage to Louisiana’s representation in Congress. Graves won re-election in 2022 but legal battles around redistricting threw his 2024 prospects into doubt, as the Supreme Court ruled that the state could use a congressional map with a second majority-Black district, altering existing district lines.

Graves had previously expressed optimism about running for re-election, insisting that his district would remain intact, but the recent ruling led to his swift decision not to run. He serves on the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee and the Natural Resources Committee and gained importance in Congress last year by leading efforts to prevent a global financial crisis by building a coalition to lift the debt ceiling. Despite his success, Graves was drawn out of his district by his own party, marking a significant turn of events in his congressional career.

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy praised Graves, calling his absence a major loss for the conference and the entire House. McCarthy credited Graves with helping him become Speaker and expressed his gratitude for serving with a loyal friend. Graves’ decision not to seek re-election adds to a wave of House lawmakers who have announced they will not run this year. He is the 25th House Republican to make this decision, joining others who have cited retirement or seeking other office as their reasons for not seeking re-election.

Graves’ announcement illustrates the impact of political redistricting and the shifting dynamics within the Republican Party. Despite his successes in Congress, he has chosen not to run again due to the changes in his district brought about by the redistricting process. His decision reflects the uncertainty and challenges faced by lawmakers in navigating the complexities of redistricting and the political landscape. As a senior national political reporter for NBC News, Sahil Kapur has covered the story, shedding light on the implications of Graves’ decision for the upcoming election and the broader political environment in Congress.

Overall, Garret Graves’ decision not to seek re-election highlights the complexities and challenges faced by lawmakers in navigating the political landscape, particularly in the aftermath of redistricting battles. His abrupt turnaround from expressing optimism about running for re-election to announcing his decision not to run underscores the impact of changing district lines on lawmakers’ political futures. As a key player in Congress, Graves has left a notable mark on Capitol Hill, particularly through his efforts to prevent a global financial crisis and his collaboration with House Speaker Kevin McCarthy. His decision adds to a growing trend of House lawmakers across party lines choosing not to seek re-election, further emphasizing the evolving dynamics within Congress.

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