In his new book, “The Unraveling: Reflections on Politics Without Ethics and Democracy in Crisis,” Bob Bauer, personal attorney for President Biden and former White House counsel for President Obama, reflects on his career representing Democrats in legal battles against Republicans. He now questions the win-at-all-costs approach to politics and the impact it has had on American democracy. Bauer acknowledges the role he has played in contributing to the coarsening of politics and is reevaluating his own actions.

Bauer discusses the current state of politics as a blood sport, exacerbated by former President Trump’s extreme tactics and threats of retribution. He believes that past attempts to push the boundaries of propriety have made it easier for demagogues to threaten the political system. Bauer emphasizes the importance of upholding democratic norms and institutions, rather than treating politics as a ruthless competition where anything goes.

Despite being labeled an “evil genius,” Bauer is described as thoughtful, ethical, and focused on finding ways to fix the political system. He has advised on revisions to electoral laws and limits on presidential powers in response to the events of January 6, 2021. Collaborating with Republicans like Benjamin Ginsberg and Jack Goldsmith, Bauer emphasizes the importance of fierce partisanship within the bounds of democratic processes and norms.

Reflecting on his past actions, Bauer admits to advocating for controversial tactics such as overturning election results and penalizing campaigns for negative advertising. He acknowledges that his previous approach may have been ill-advised and overly focused on achieving success at any cost. Bauer now believes that a tough politics can still be conducted ethically and with consideration for the health of democratic institutions.

While he remains committed to his Democratic party and plans to be active in the 2024 campaign, Bauer intends to approach future battles with a greater emphasis on ethical conduct and respect for the other side. He stresses that being hard-charging and successful does not have to come at the expense of democratic norms and institutions. Bauer aims to contribute to a more thoughtful and respectful political environment moving forward.

In conclusion, Bob Bauer’s introspective journey from proud partisan warrior to critical observer of political ethics serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of win-at-all-costs approaches to politics. His willingness to acknowledge past mistakes and advocate for a more ethical and respectful form of political engagement offers hope for a future where fierce partisanship can coexist with a commitment to democratic values and norms. As he continues to navigate the complexities of legal battles and political campaigns, Bauer’s reflections serve as a reminder of the importance of maintaining integrity and ethics in the pursuit of political goals.

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