GOP-endorsed Minnesota Senate candidate Royce White, a former NBA first-round draft pick, caused controversy by sharing footage of late Libyan dictator Moammar Khadafy equating the Vatican with the Taliban on his Instagram page in August 2021. White called the comparison “scary accurate” and called a Post reporter “stupid” when she asked for comment. The footage is from Khadafy’s infamous September 2009 speech before the United Nations General Assembly where he spoke for over an hour and addressed America’s war on Taliban-led Afghanistan after the 9/11 attacks.

In the speech, Khadafy questioned if the Vatican posed a threat to the US, noting that it is a peaceful state, and compared it to the Taliban seeking to create an Islamic emirate. When asked directly about endorsing Khadafy’s words, White defended the dictator by stating that Khadafy was pointing out the warmongering that had led the US into Afghanistan for so long. White also made controversial comments about Jews and Israel in the past while improperly spending campaign funds at a strip club during a previous challenge to Representative Ilhan Omar.

Despite his controversial remarks and actions, White received over 60% of the Minnesota Republican convention delegates’ backing, securing the party’s endorsement ahead of the Aug. 13 primary where he is one of eight candidates. White expressed surprise at receiving the endorsement, acknowledging the uphill battle that the eventual Republican nominee will face against Democratic incumbent Senator Amy Klobuchar, who is widely regarded as having a safe seat.

White, who has described himself as a Catholic and not intimidated by Islam, has made various controversial remarks in the past, including antisemitic comments and criticisms of Israel. The Minnesota GOP did not provide any comment regarding White’s promotion of Khadafy or the controversy surrounding his candidacy. While White gained the party’s endorsement, he faces challenges due to his controversial statements and actions, especially in a Senate race where he is running against a well-established Democratic incumbent like Sen. Klobuchar.

The controversy surrounding White’s candidacy highlights the complex nature of modern political campaigns, where candidates with controversial past remarks or behaviors can still receive party support. Despite his endorsement by the Minnesota GOP, White faces significant challenges in gaining wider public support due to his history of divisive statements and actions, particularly in a high-profile Senate race. The decision of the Republican Party to back White raises questions about the party’s priorities and values in selecting candidates for important political positions like the US Senate. Regardless of the outcome of the primary, the controversy surrounding White is likely to linger as the election campaign unfolds.

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