A Florida businessman, David Knezevich, has pleaded not guilty to kidnapping his estranged wife, Ana Hedao Knezevich, who went missing in Spain in February. He was arrested in May upon his return to the US from Serbia. Prosecutors believe Ana is dead, but Knezevich has not been charged with her murder. The evidence against him is considered strong, but his attorney disputes this and plans to seek his release on bail. The couple, who co-owned a computer firm, had a heated divorce and financial disputes before Ana’s disappearance.

Knezevich, a dual citizen of the US and Serbia, sold several properties in Florida shortly before Ana disappeared. Prosecutors argue that these sales, totaling $6 million, could provide him with the means to flee if released on bail. However, Knezevich’s attorney claims that he has limited liquid assets and that the mortgages from the property sales do not come due until 2027. The couple had been married for 13 years, and Ana’s family has expressed concerns about her safety amid the contentious divorce proceedings. Ana vanished from her Madrid apartment in February, with surveillance footage showing a man in a motorcycle helmet with similar features to Knezevich.

Prosecutors allege that Knezevich flew to Turkey from Miami before traveling to Serbia around the time of Ana’s disappearance. Surveillance footage shows him buying items used in the crime in Madrid, and his cellphone connected to Facebook from the city. Stolen license plates connected to the case were spotted near a motorcycle shop where a helmet was purchased and on Ana’s street. After Ana went missing, Knezevich allegedly sent messages to her friends claiming she left with a man she just met, contradicting their beliefs about her behavior. When Knezevich returned a rental car five weeks later, it had noticeable alterations.

Despite the evidence presented by prosecutors, Knezevich maintains his innocence and hopes for his wife’s safe return. His attorney continues to argue for his release on bail, emphasizing his limited access to liquid assets and disputing the prosecution’s claims about his potential flight risk. The international media attention on this case highlights the complexity of the situation and the ongoing investigation into Ana’s disappearance. As the legal proceedings continue, the search for answers about what happened to Ana Hedao Knezevich remains a focal point for her family, law enforcement, and the public.

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