Former President Donald Trump has been found to make numerous false claims during his interviews with Time magazine. In these interviews, Trump made at least 32 false claims on a wide range of topics such as the economy, terrorism, border wall construction, and the 2020 election. Time published a fact check of some of these claims, which have been debunked by CNN.

One of the false claims made by Trump is regarding terrorism during his presidency. While Trump stated there was very little terrorism during his term, the reality is that there were several terrorist attacks on US soil during his presidency. The Justice Department identified multiple instances of terrorism, both foreign and domestic, that took place during Trump’s time in office.

Another false claim by Trump was regarding border wall construction on the US-Mexico border. He claimed to have completed more wall construction than he originally promised, but official federal statistics show that he fell short of his campaign promise to build 1,000 miles of wall.

Regarding the departure of Attorney General William Barr, Trump falsely claimed that he fired Barr when in fact Barr had resigned. Trump had expressed frustration with Barr over his rejection of election fraud claims, but Barr ultimately chose to resign from his position.

Trump also made false claims about US military presence in South Korea and the financial arrangement with South Korea. He claimed that South Korea was paying very little for US military presence, but the reality is that South Korea agreed to pay more under President Joe Biden’s administration.

On the topic of Trump’s popularity in Israel, he falsely claimed to have a 98% approval rating, when in fact polling data shows that his approval rating was much lower. Additionally, Trump’s repeated false claims about monuments, the January 6 attack on the Capitol, and other topics were debunked by fact-checkers and experts in the respective fields.

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