Former Sen. Kelly Ayotte is running for governor in one of the top gubernatorial elections in the country, and she is making it clear that she supports former President Trump’s bid to win back the White House. She believes that things have become more expensive and less safe under President Biden, and she supports Trump because she believes a change in course is needed for the nation. While support for Trump seems like a no-brainer for most Republicans running for elective office in 2024, Ayotte’s support for Trump takes on heightened importance due to her history of withdrawing her support for him in the 2016 election over controversial comments he made.

Ayotte was a rising star in the Republican Party in 2016 as a former state attorney general and first-term senator. She withdrew her support for Trump over the “Access Hollywood” controversy just ahead of the 2016 election, which ultimately cost her re-election by a razor-thin margin at the hands of a Democratic opponent. Despite this, Ayotte slightly outperformed Trump in New Hampshire, where she has continued to remain active in politics by appearing at Republican Party events and writing opinion pieces on various issues. She announced her gubernatorial bid nearly a year ago, after Gov. Chris Sununu announced he wouldn’t seek re-election.

Ayotte has emphasized her support for Trump’s policies on border security, freedom, and taxes, and has been critical of President Biden’s administration, which she describes as a “disaster” for the country. She is campaigning to continue the path set forth by Gov. Sununu and ensure prosperity and freedom for the people of New Hampshire. Ayotte has become the frontrunner for the GOP nomination in the state’s primary, but has faced criticism from her rival Chuck Morse, who has questioned her conservative credentials and voting record during her time in office.

Morse, who wasn’t initially close to Trump, has endorsed the former president and questioned Ayotte’s support for him. While Trump has stayed neutral in the New Hampshire gubernatorial race, Ayotte has expressed that she would appreciate his endorsement and support. She has focused her campaign on earning the support of the voters in New Hampshire and has emphasized her conservative values and her commitment to continuing the success of Gov. Sununu’s leadership. Ayotte has also taken aim at her Democratic opponents, pointing out their differing vision for the state and their support for what she describes as the “Massachusetts model.”

Ayotte has been targeted by the Democratic Governors Association, who have criticized her for allegedly lying to Granite Staters about her record on reproductive freedom. Ayotte has clarified that she would protect New Hampshire’s current state law on abortion, which allows abortions through the first 24 weeks of pregnancy. She has pledged to veto any restrictions to this law and aims to protect and uphold it if elected as governor. Despite facing criticism and opposition, Ayotte remains focused on her campaign and on earning the support of the voters in New Hampshire as she seeks the governor’s office in the upcoming election.

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