James Gosselin, a 26-year-old man from California, was arrested last month after he allegedly attempted to run over a porn star named Bradley Hamilton and beat him with a golf club. Gosselin was reportedly enraged because Hamilton had filmed an adult scene with his ex-girlfriend, only identified as “Gia.” The incident occurred on April 2, when Gosselin rammed his truck into the back of Hamilton’s motorcycle in a fit of jealousy, causing Hamilton to lose balance and fall off his bike.

Hamilton informed LAPD detectives that after Gosselin hit his back tire, he tried to cover his face with a ski mask before exiting the truck with a golf club. Gosselin then allegedly swung the golf club at Hamilton, managing to hit him once on his lower back. In response, Hamilton tackled Gosselin and punched him in the face, cracking his orbital bone. Police arrived at the scene and detained Gosselin, who admitted to owning the ski mask, golf club, and an illegal firearm that was found in his truck.

After being released from the hospital for an undisclosed medical reason, Gosselin reportedly sent a text to Hamilton, warning him that he was back out and looking for him. Hamilton mentioned that Gosselin had a reputation for carrying a weapon on him. A mutual friend of Gosselin revealed to police that he was upset about his breakup with Gia, which occurred in February, and her relationship with Hamilton. Gosselin had allegedly told Gia that he planned to wait for Hamilton on the street, murder him, and then load his body into his truck.

James Gosselin was arrested on April 4 and charged with attempted murder, two counts of assault with a deadly weapon other than a firearm, as well as illegal possession of a loaded gun in public. He posted a $1 million bond the next day. The case highlights the dangers of jealousy and possessiveness, leading to violent and criminal behavior. It also sheds light on the complexities of relationships and how unresolved emotions can escalate into serious acts of violence. The incident serves as a sobering reminder of the importance of emotional regulation and conflict resolution in relationships to prevent tragic outcomes such as this one.

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