The New Caledonian government has condemned the “intolerable” inflation in stores. Many businesses have taken advantage of the security crisis in New Caledonia to apply excessive prices, including on regulated products, a practice deemed “unacceptable and intolerable” by the local government, which intends to impose “control measures”. The government stated that in the current situation, some merchants are exploiting the circumstances to excessively increase prices on their products, some of which are regulated, making this practice completely illegal. This is especially unacceptable and intolerable as solidarity and collective responsibility should prevail, especially with fears of food and medicine shortages in the archipelago due to a recent surge in violence.

Upon his arrival in New Caledonia, French President Emmanuel Macron stated that one of the priorities of his brief visit was to ensure a “return to normal care, supply, and food”. He acknowledged that many people are suffering from a severe crisis, either due to illness or difficulties in accessing food. To protect consumers from any form of abuse, the government in New Caledonia announced that it will implement strict price control measures. The government expressed its determination to protect the purchasing power of the people of New Caledonia and reminded merchants of the importance of practicing controlled, fair, and reasonable prices.

The New Caledonian government’s move to denounce and address the inflation in stores comes in response to the exploitation of the current security crisis to unfairly increase prices, even on regulated products. The government described this practice as illegal and emphasized the need for solidarity and collective responsibility during these challenging times. President Macron’s visit also underlined the urgent need to address the crisis and ensure access to basic necessities such as healthcare and food for the population. The government’s commitment to implementing strict price control measures reflects a response to the urgent situation and a determination to protect consumers from exploitation.

The government’s announcement of forthcoming price control measures in response to the inflation in stores reflects a proactive stance to protect consumers and ensure fair pricing practices. The government’s commitment to safeguarding the purchasing power of the people in New Caledonia and maintaining fair and reasonable prices emphasizes the importance of ethical business practices in times of crisis. The government’s statement of intent to take action against price gouging and exploitation of the population during challenging times underscores a dedication to upholding consumer rights and ensuring access to essential goods at reasonable prices. By addressing the issue of inflation in stores and announcing measures to control prices, the government is signaling its commitment to protecting consumers and promoting fairness in the marketplace.

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