Former President Donald Trump has accepted an invitation from Fox News Media to participate in a vice presidential debate on behalf of his yet-to-be-announced running mate. The debate is expected to take place after both political parties have finished their nomination conventions, with Trump’s presumptive Democratic opponent being President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris. Trump expressed his readiness to debate Harris at Virginia State University, the first Historically Black College or University to host such an event, urging her to agree to it.

Biden recently challenged Trump to a debate and accepted invitations from CNN and ABC News for presidential debates in June and September, respectively. Trump has previously skipped Republican primary debates but has indicated his willingness to debate Biden. Trump responded to Biden’s challenge by calling him “Crooked Joe” and claiming that Biden is a poor debater. Fox News Media proposed two dates for the vice presidential debate—July 23 or August 13—after the nomination conventions, reaching out to Virginia State University as a possible location. The event will be hosted by Fox News hosts Bret Baier and Martha MacCallum.

The Democratic National Convention is set to nominate its 2024 candidates between August 19 to 22 in Chicago, while the Republican National Convention will hold its nomination vote in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, between July 15 to 18. Virginia State University had previously been selected to host a presidential debate on October 1, but it appears that the university has been dropped from the 2024 debate line up. Several individuals have been mentioned as potential running mates for Trump, although he has ruled out certain options such as Mike Pence and Nikki Haley. Trump has hinted that he will announce his running mate at the RNC convention in July.

Vice President Kamala Harris has accepted an invite from CBS News for a vice presidential debate with Trump’s running mate sometime this summer. However, there has been no response from Harris regarding Fox News Media’s invitation for a vice presidential debate. The first presidential debate between Biden and Trump is set to take place on June 27 at CNN’s studios in Atlanta, moderated by CNN’s Jake Tapper and Dana Bush. The event will not have an audience present. Both candidates have accepted the invitations for the presidential debates proposed by media outlets. Newsweek has reached out to the Biden and Harris campaigns for comment on the latest developments.

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