DEAR ABBY: A woman is facing a dilemma because her boyfriend, who recently proposed, is the great-nephew of the man who jilted her great-aunt at the altar in the 1970s. The woman’s great-aunt was in a relationship with the man for financial reasons and tried to trap him into marriage by claiming she was pregnant. When he didn’t show up for the wedding, the woman’s great-aunt freaked out upon learning about her niece’s engagement to the man’s great-nephew. Now, the family is threatening to shun the woman if she goes through with the wedding. She is torn as family is important to her, but she doesn’t have a close relationship with her great-aunt and is unsure of what to do.

DEAR ABBY: Abby advises the woman to consider the circumstances of the past and whether she wants to base her decision on the emotional blackmail of her ethically challenged great-aunt. Abby suggests that the woman could break the cycle of drama by choosing to go ahead with the wedding and not let the past dictate her future happiness. She encourages the woman to make the decision based on her love for her fiancé and not be swayed by the demands of her family members.

DEAR ABBY: Another reader writes in expressing that they obsess over social interactions after the fact, constantly worrying about whether they acted appropriately. This behavior has become exhausting for them as they replay conversations and moments in their head, analyzing their behavior. They seek advice on why they may be doing this and how to stop the obsessive thinking. Abby points out that it may be a case of social anxiety and recommends seeking help from a licensed psychotherapist to address these feelings.

DEAR ABBY: In a note to readers on Memorial Day, Abby pays tribute to the brave men and women who have sacrificed their lives in service to the country, joining in on the prayers of thanks for their courage and dedication. This brief message acknowledges the significance of the day and honors those who have given their lives in service.

In conclusion, Dear Abby offers advice on navigating complex family dynamics and personal struggles, such as dealing with family history, social anxiety, and honoring those who have served in the military. The column provides insight and guidance to readers facing difficult situations, highlighting the importance of making decisions based on personal values and relationships while seeking support when needed. Abby’s wisdom and compassion shine through in addressing a range of reader concerns and offering thoughtful responses to their questions.

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