Couples all over the world are preparing for their weddings, focusing on elements such as flowers, seating arrangements, catering, and budget. The average cost of a wedding in 2024 is $33,000, with venue and catering being the most significant expenses. Amidst the hustle and bustle of wedding planning, some couples are contemplating if they should invite God into their union. Dr. Roxanne Louh, a family therapist, believes having God at the center of a marriage is important. She and her husband, Fr. Nicholas Louh, conduct marriage seminars to help couples strengthen their relationship by incorporating faith.

The Louhs assert that God has a specific purpose for each individual, whether married or single. They stress the importance of making God the focal point of a union, as it provides a solid foundation for a lasting marriage. Through their marriage seminars and discussions, they guide couples on how to build a relationship that is centered on God’s purpose for their lives. They emphasize the significance of aligning one’s personal goals and desires with God’s plan when choosing a life partner.

The Louhs advocate for the inclusion of God in marriage for a variety of reasons. Drawing from religious teachings, they believe that marriage is a divine institution created by God. They highlight the biblical significance of marriage, pointing to the examples of Adam and Eve, Joseph and Mary, and the wedding ceremony at Cana. By incorporating faith into their marriage, couples can nurture a relationship that is rooted in shared values and a common purpose.

Research conducted by Brad Wilcox of the National Marriage Project supports the idea that religious faith plays a positive role in marital satisfaction. Couples who regularly attend religious services are shown to be happier in their marriages, less likely to divorce, and more content with their lives. Despite the challenges that marriages may face, the presence of faith in a relationship can provide a sense of stability and purpose that strengthens the bond between partners.

In their marriage seminars, the Louhs offer guidance on how to cultivate a marriage that is deeply rooted in faith. They stress the importance of prioritizing God’s will and teachings in decision-making and conflict resolution. By viewing marriage as a partnership with a higher purpose, couples can navigate the complexities of a relationship with a greater sense of unity and purpose. Embracing God’s role in their union can help couples weather the inevitable challenges that arise in married life.

Ultimately, the Louhs encourage couples to view marriage as a journey of growth and discovery. By approaching their relationship with humility, openness, and a willingness to learn together, couples can experience the beauty and joy that marriage has to offer. Through their teachings and discussions, the Louhs aim to equip couples with the tools and insights necessary to deepen their connection with each other and with God. By integrating faith into their marriage, couples can create a strong foundation for a lifelong partnership filled with love, understanding, and mutual respect.

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