Captain Sandy Yawn was not pleased with the performance of the Below Deck Mediterranean team when a guest was left stranded away from the boat for 45 minutes. Bosun Iain Maclean was confident in the progress of the deck crew but an incident involving deckhand Nathan Gallager being stranded in the ocean caused a setback. Nathan and a guest found themselves floating away on a paddle board and had trouble making their way back to the yacht. The situation left Captain Sandy embarrassed and she emphasized the importance of always keeping an eye on guests when they are using water toys.

The season did not get off to a smooth start, with issues arising from the provisioning company failing to deliver essential items for the first charter. Captain Sandy expressed her frustration with the lack of wine and rosé, noting that such mistakes cannot be overlooked. Additionally, Chef Jonathan Shillingford’s reluctance to wake up and prepare food for guests late at night caused tension with the crew. Second stew Elena Dubaich felt disrespected by the situation and tensions rose between her and the chef. Despite these challenges, Captain Sandy remained determined to keep the charter running smoothly and make necessary changes to improve operations moving forward.

In another episode, deckhand Nathan Gallager found himself in a difficult situation when he was stranded in the ocean with a guest on a paddle board. Bosun Iain Maclean failed to notice their absence and it was ultimately another crew member who alerted the team to the issue. Captain Sandy emphasized the importance of having designated watch persons and ensuring that guests are always supervised when using water toys. The incident served as a learning experience for the crew, highlighting the need for better communication and surveillance to prevent similar mishaps in the future.

Chef Jonathan Shillingford faced criticism from crew members for his lack of punctuality and attitude towards his responsibilities. His refusal to wake up and prepare food for guests late at night caused tension within the team, particularly with second stew Elena Dubaich. Elena expressed her frustration with the situation, feeling that her hard work was being overshadowed by the chef’s behavior. Captain Sandy stood by Chef Johnathan but acknowledged the need for better communication and teamwork to address the issues that arose on the charter.

Despite the challenges faced by the crew, Captain Sandy remained determined to lead the team and ensure that the charter ran smoothly. She emphasized the importance of accountability and communication among crew members, highlighting the need for everyone to work together to address any issues that arise. Season 9 of Below Deck Mediterranean has been marked by a series of setbacks and challenges, but Captain Sandy’s leadership and guidance have been instrumental in keeping the team focused and committed to providing the best possible service to their guests.

As the season progresses, the crew of Below Deck Mediterranean continues to face challenges and obstacles that test their skills and abilities. With Captain Sandy’s guidance and instructions, the team learns valuable lessons and works together to overcome difficulties. Despite the setbacks and mishaps, the crew remains dedicated to providing top-tier service to their guests and ensuring that the charter runs smoothly. Through effective communication, problem-solving, and teamwork, the crew of Below Deck Mediterranean navigates the challenges of the season and strives to deliver an unforgettable experience for their guests.

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