Five candidates have been selected to pitch their visions for the future of the European Union in a live debate organized by the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) and broadcast on Euronews. The candidates, who are vying for the European Commission presidency, will discuss key issues such as migration, climate, defense, and the economy. The debate is set to take place at the European Parliament’s hemicycle in Brussels, with an audience of 900 expected to attend. For the first time, voters from capitals across the EU will have the opportunity to pose questions directly to the candidates during the debate.

The live debate is a crucial opportunity for the candidates to present their ideas to voters ahead of the upcoming European Parliament elections on June 6-9. With important issues such as migration, climate change, defense, and the economy on the agenda, the candidates will have the chance to showcase their policies and plans for the future of the EU. The debate will provide voters with valuable insights into the candidates’ positions and priorities, helping them make informed decisions at the polls.

The candidates participating in the debate will need to address a range of complex and pressing challenges facing the European Union. Migration, in particular, has been a highly contentious issue in recent years, with the EU struggling to find a unified approach to handling the influx of refugees and migrants. Climate change is another critical issue that requires urgent action, with the EU facing growing pressure to reduce its carbon emissions and transition to a more sustainable economy. The candidates’ responses to these issues will be closely watched by voters and could have a significant impact on the election outcome.

The debate will also offer a platform for candidates to discuss their views on defense and security, as well as their economic plans for the EU. The EU is facing increasing security threats both internally and externally, and the candidates’ proposals for strengthening security cooperation and defense capabilities will be closely scrutinized. Economic issues, including job creation, investment, and growth, are also key priorities for voters, and the candidates will need to present credible and viable strategies for addressing these challenges. The debate will provide voters with the opportunity to evaluate the candidates’ competence and credibility on these critical issues.

Overall, the live debate presents an important opportunity for the candidates to engage with voters and showcase their leadership qualities and policy proposals. With the European Parliament elections fast approaching, the debate will play a crucial role in shaping the political landscape of the EU. Voters will be looking for candidates who can offer solutions to the pressing challenges facing the EU and demonstrate a clear vision for its future. The outcome of the debate could have a significant impact on the election results, as voters consider which candidate is best equipped to lead the European Union forward in the coming years.

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