British Foreign Secretary David Cameron visited Albania to discuss the joint effort between the U.K. and Albania to reduce illegal migration, resulting in a significant decrease in small boat arrivals from Albania to the U.K. The two countries have been working together to combat people smuggling gangs, with almost 6,000 Albanians being removed from the U.K. in the last 12 months. Cameron praised the partnership as an example for other countries to follow and emphasized the importance of collaboration in addressing migration, organized crime, and security in the Western Balkans.

Albanians seeking higher-paying jobs in the U.K. have been arriving in speedboats, with many ending up working in cannabis-growing houses to pay back the trafficking money. British authorities and Albanian media reported that Albanian nationals were among the 45,000 people who arrived in the U.K. in speedboats in 2022. However, the U.K. does not allow Albanians to seek asylum status, considering Albania to be a safe country. Despite previous tensions, U.K.-Albania signed an agreement in 2022 to return Albanians arriving on boats and have been working together to discourage migratory influxes from Albania.

The partnership between the U.K. and Albania has led to positive results in both countries, with London funding projects in northeastern Albania, where most illegal newcomers were from. London’s involvement also extends to the development of a new railway link between the Albanian port of Durres and Kosovo’s capital Pristina, which is seen as important by both countries. The joint efforts have shown success in boosting Albania’s economy and tourism sector, providing opportunities for people to work and stay in Albania. Last week, Albania installed a network of cameras and drones along its border with Kosovo to track migrants and identify British vehicles used by criminals seeking to avoid detection.

Albania, in negotiations to join the European Union, has been cracking down on people-smuggling gangs and working with Frontex, the EU’s border agency, to manage its borders and combat cross-border crime. In February, Albania’s Parliament approved a deal to hold thousands of asylum seekers for Italy. Prime Minister Edi Rama has pledged to continue the partnership with Britain in discouraging illegal migration and highlighted the benefits of the joint efforts in boosting Albania’s economy. The close collaboration between the U.K. and Albania serves as a model for disrupting the business models of people smuggling gangs and reducing dangerous small boat crossings. The two countries aim to provide a more prosperous future for young Albanians and strengthen their bilateral relationship.

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