Former President Trump recently had a successful fundraising swing through California, where he raised over $50 million. President Biden has now visited the West Coast to tap into the Democrat-dominated state for fundraising opportunities, including a star-studded event in Los Angeles with Jimmy Kimmel, George Clooney, and Julia Roberts. The event, which raised over $28 million, is the biggest fundraiser in Democratic Party history. Trump and Biden have both raised more money in California this election cycle than in any other state, showing the importance of the state’s deep pockets for politicians.

While Trump raised over $50 million during his California swing, Biden’s campaign raised significant funds from the star-studded event in Los Angeles. The Biden team hopes to close the fundraising gap with Trump, especially after Trump’s campaign raised a significant amount following his recent criminal trial. Biden’s campaign leveraged the guilty verdict in their favor in terms of fundraising. The entertainment industry, which has traditionally supported Democratic candidates, played a significant role in fundraising for Biden, showcasing the close relationship between Hollywood and the Democratic Party.

Biden’s recent fundraising efforts in California were orchestrated by the Democratic Hollywood machine, with the help of media mogul Jeffrey Katzenberg. While Biden doesn’t have the same close relationships with Hollywood as his predecessors, he has been able to draw support from the entertainment industry. Major strikes by Hollywood labor unions delayed Biden’s fundraising efforts in entertainment circles, but he has since made up for lost time. Celebrities such as Robert De Niro and Mark Hamill have shown their support for Biden through appearances and endorsements.

Trump, on the other hand, spent the weekend in Michigan holding events with a focus on meeting everyday Americans. The Trump campaign criticized Biden for attending a Hollywood fundraiser instead of a peace conference on Ukraine, arguing that Biden was with “elitist, out-of-touch celebrity benefactors that own him.” Vice President Kamala Harris represented the U.S. at the peace talks in Switzerland while Biden was in California. The Trump campaign and Republican allies continue to highlight the contrast between Biden’s Hollywood connections and their focus on connecting with ordinary Americans.

Overall, both Biden and Trump have been successful in raising funds in California, with Biden’s recent star-studded event breaking records for the Democratic Party. While Biden leverages his Hollywood connections for fundraising, Trump focuses on meeting everyday Americans in his campaign events. The deep pockets of California have become a battleground for fundraising as both candidates gear up for the November election. With significant amounts of money being raised in the state, it’s clear that California remains a key player in national politics and campaign finances.

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