President Joe Biden attended a Los Angeles fundraiser with former President Barack Obama, raising over $30 million for Biden’s reelection efforts. During the event, Biden warned about the implications of a potential second term for Donald Trump, highlighting concerns about the Supreme Court becoming more conservative if Trump is reelected. Biden expressed worry about the court being out of balance and mentioned the possibility of reconsidering previous rulings, including those on contraception and gay rights.

The Biden campaign has been focusing on boosting its financial resources in response to Trump narrowing the money gap. Trump has seen an influx of cash since securing the Republican nomination, including outraising Biden in April. Obama, also present at the fundraiser, stressed the importance of voting for Biden not just as a vote against something, but as affirmation of the work Biden has done. He criticized the normalization of behavior that used to be disqualifying, referencing Trump’s recent legal issues.

The evening’s program featured appearances from George Clooney, Julia Roberts, Barbra Streisand, and others who entertained the crowd. As the conversation turned towards topics like Trump amnesia and potential retribution against critics, Biden joked about Delta Force before addressing the seriousness of a president threatening retribution against Americans. Obama also discussed core values and honesty in shaping the country, highlighting the need for people to consider these values in their choices.

Biden, while recounting the impact of Trump’s presidency, pointed to moments like Trump’s suggestion to inject bleach to cure Covid-19. He also addressed Trump’s claims of doing more for Black people than any president in history, with Obama responding by highlighting how Trump made people feel better about having had the first Black president. The discussion touched on restoring the soul of the country and the need for potential “exorcism”, with a reference to Biden’s visit to the pope.

The event highlighted concerns about the impact of a second Trump term on the country, including potential changes to the composition of the Supreme Court and the implications for various rights and freedoms. Obama emphasized the need to focus on core values and honesty in shaping the nation’s future, while Biden joked and addressed serious issues surrounding retribution and the need to restore the soul of the country. The fundraiser aimed to support Biden’s reelection efforts and gather financial resources in response to Trump’s fundraising successes.

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