The Biden campaign recently hosted a star-studded fundraiser in Los Angeles, breaking the record for the Democratic Party’s largest fundraising event by raising $28 million. The event featured appearances by President Joe Biden, former President Barack Obama, actors George Clooney and Julia Roberts, and comedian Jimmy Kimmel. Jeffrey Katzenberg, campaign co-chair, expressed enthusiasm for the fundraiser and emphasized the importance of the upcoming election, calling it the most crucial election of our lifetime. The campaign plans to utilize the funds to open offices, hire organizers, and launch media campaigns to directly communicate with voters.

It is not yet confirmed whether the fundraiser officially broke fundraising records, as the numbers have not been reflected in Federal Election Commission data. However, the reported total from the Los Angeles event exceeds the $26 million raised at a similar fundraiser in New York City back in March. At that event, a conversation was moderated by comedian Stephen Colbert between Biden, Obama, and former President Bill Clinton. The Los Angeles fundraiser will feature Jimmy Kimmel moderating a conversation between Biden and Obama. Kimmel, who has a son with a heart condition, has previously spoken out in support of the Affordable Care Act and its impact on helping patients with pre-existing conditions.

The Biden campaign ended April with over $84 million in cash on hand, overshadowing the Trump campaign’s $49 million during the same period. Additionally, the Trump campaign and its allies claimed to have raised over $34 million after his conviction last month, but this has not yet been independently verified as May FEC filings are not yet available. The Biden campaign has been successful in fundraising and maintaining a strong financial position, which will be crucial as the election approaches.

The enthusiasm and support for the Biden/Harris ticket were evident during the Los Angeles fundraiser, with a strong turnout from the media and entertainment industry. The campaign intends to utilize the funds raised to further expand its outreach efforts, including opening more offices, hiring additional staff, and launching media campaigns to connect directly with voters. As the campaign continues to receive donations, the final total from the fundraiser may not be known until later, but the reported figures so far have broken records and show strong support for the Biden campaign.

The star-studded fundraiser, which included appearances from prominent figures such as President Biden, former President Obama, and celebrity influencers like George Clooney and Julia Roberts, generated significant financial support for the Biden campaign. The event showcased the widespread enthusiasm and commitment for the Biden/Harris ticket, with donors contributing to help strengthen the campaign’s ground game and messaging efforts. The impressive fundraising totals from the event highlight the growing momentum behind the Biden campaign and its ability to mobilize resources for the upcoming election.

Overall, the Los Angeles fundraiser was a record-breaking success for the Biden campaign, surpassing previous fundraising efforts and demonstrating strong support from donors and prominent figures in the media and entertainment industry. The event raised $28 million, which will be crucial in funding the campaign’s outreach and organizing efforts leading up to the election. With a significant financial advantage over the Trump campaign, the Biden campaign continues to build momentum and expand its resources to effectively communicate with voters and compete in the upcoming election.

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