In the district of Sason, some villagers who migrated from the villages to the district center have caused a stray animal problem as they could not part with their animals. Herds of cows wandering on the busiest streets of the district are causing difficult moments for drivers. Muhiddin Güneş, one of the drivers, stated that it is necessary to take care of the animals and said, “The lives of animals are at risk in traffic, and human lives are also at risk. In addition, there is also material damage to the vehicles that hit the animals. We expect the authorities to find a solution to the situation.”

Drivers, as well as animals, are at risk
Driver Fatih Özmen, who stated that their lives are at risk due to the animals taking over the roads, said, “An accident can happen at any moment because of these stray animals. Because of these animals, the lives of us drivers are at risk. God forbid, they can cause an accident at any moment. We want the animal owners and the authorities in the district to find a solution to these animals.”

Due to the stray animals that sometimes cause vehicles to stop, it was observed that the passage of ambulances was also hindered. The district is experiencing a serious problem as the herds of animals have become a common sight on the busiest streets. The safety of both the animals and the drivers is at stake, and urgent measures are needed to address this issue before any accidents occur. The residents are calling on the local authorities to take action and find a solution to the stray animal problem in the district.

The villagers who migrated to the district center with their animals have not been able to part with their animals, causing a stray animal problem in Sason district. The animals, mainly cows, roam in herds on the busiest streets, causing inconvenience to drivers and posing a risk to both animal and human lives. The drivers are calling for immediate action by the authorities to address this issue and prevent any accidents that may result from the presence of stray animals on the roads. The district officials are urged to take measures to ensure the safety of both the animals and the residents.

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