Nearly a decade ago, Andrew Stones was struck by a seaplane on the Sunshine Coast while rowing his skiff to his houseboat at Porpoise Bay. The Harbour Air float plane crashed into him, causing him to jump off his skiff before it collided with the plane. Stones miraculously escaped uninjured and took the company to court, eventually winning a substantial payout. Stones, now 57, is unable to share the details publicly but wanted to share his story after seeing a report on a recent Harbour Air plane crash in Vancouver’s Coal Harbour.

The recent crash in Coal Harbour involved a Harbour Air float plane colliding with a small boat, resulting in serious injuries to two people on board the boat. Fortunately, no injuries were reported for those on board the plane. The federal Transportation Safety Board of Canada is currently investigating the incident. Stones is calling for tougher regulations for seaplane operators in light of this recent crash, as well as his own experience. He claims that nothing was done after his crash and that the company did not have to change any procedures or comply with any regulations.

Stones shared his story with Global News after witnessing the recent plane crash, expressing his frustration with the lack of consequences or changes in safety procedures following his own experience. He believes that seaplane operators should be held to higher standards to ensure the safety of passengers and those on the ground. Stones mentioned that despite the company admitting fault and making a payment, no significant changes were made after his crash. Global News reached out to Harbour Air for comment on Stones’ claims but has not yet received a response.

The memory of being struck by a seaplane nearly a decade ago still haunts Andrew Stones, who was rowing his skiff when a Harbour Air float plane crashed into him. Stones managed to escape uninjured and successfully sued the company, resulting in a substantial payout. Stones, now 57, is unable to disclose the details publicly but came forward to share his story after a recent Harbour Air plane crash in Vancouver. This incident involved a seaplane colliding with a small boat, resulting in serious injuries to two people on board the boat, while those on the plane were unharmed.

The recent crash in Coal Harbour has prompted Stones to call for tougher regulations for seaplane operators, citing the lack of consequences or changes in procedures following his own experience. He believes that more stringent regulations are necessary to ensure the safety of passengers and individuals on the ground. Stones claims that the company did not have to make any changes or comply with regulations after his crash. Global News contacted Harbour Air for comment on Stones’ claims, but there has been no response as of yet.

Andrew Stones’ experience of being struck by a seaplane on the Sunshine Coast in 2015, while rowing his skiff to his houseboat, is still fresh in his mind. The Harbour Air float plane crashed into him, causing him to jump off his skiff before it collided with the plane. Despite the traumatic incident, Stones escaped uninjured and successfully took the company to court, resulting in a significant payout. Stones, now 57, is unable to disclose the details publicly but felt compelled to share his story after witnessing a recent Harbour Air plane crash in Vancouver, where a seaplane collided with a small boat, causing serious injuries to two people.

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