A nest of Asian hornets was discovered at a roadside cafe near Canterbury, Kent, raising concerns about a potential invasion of the species. The nest was found at Krusties Café off the A260, and the pest controllers were called in to handle the situation. The café owner, Paul Jeffries, resisted the urge to smash the nest and instead reported it through an app dedicated to Asian hornet sightings. Scientists were excited about this discovery, as they had never seen a nest this young in the UK before.

The discovery of the Asian hornet nest prompted warnings from the UK’s chief plant health officer, Professor Nicola Spence. She urged the public and beekeepers to be vigilant and report any sightings of the insects, especially as the UK enters the summer season. These insects have distinct features like a dark brown or black velvety body, a dark abdomen, and yellow-tipped legs. Last year, the National Bee Unit found and destroyed 72 nests in 56 locations, with most of them being in Kent. Efforts are being made to locate and eradicate queens to prevent the building of new nests this year.

The Asian hornet coordinator for the Kent Beekeeping Association explained that the temperature plays a significant role in the hornets’ activity. As temperatures reach a certain range, queens emerge from hibernation to build primary nests, usually in sheltered areas like shed roofs or porches. Once the queens establish a workforce, they create secondary nests. The focus this year is on finding and destroying queens to prevent new nests from being built. If new nests are discovered, efforts will be made to locate and eliminate them to protect pollination and honey crops.

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While the focus remains on controlling the Asian hornet population, efforts are also being made to track the spread of the invasive species. By encouraging the public to report sightings and take necessary precautions, authorities can prevent the hornets from establishing themselves in new areas. The discovery of the nest in Canterbury serves as a reminder of the importance of vigilance and early intervention in managing invasive species. Through collective action and awareness, communities can work together to protect local ecosystems and bee populations from the threats posed by these predatory insects.

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