BUENOS AIRES, Argentina (AP) — The president of Argentina, libertarian economist Javier Milei, drew a massive crowd of fans at a book presentation on neoclassical economic theory in Buenos Aires. Despite the seemingly dry topic, over 10,000 supporters filled a giant auditorium to hear Milei speak about freeing capital from state control. Greeted like a rock star, Milei energized the crowd with a performance of a popular Argentine hard rock song, displaying his charismatic personality and theatrical flair. Known for his controversial views and outspoken demeanor, Milei has gained a strong following in the country.

During the presentation, Milei discussed his new book, “Capitalism, Socialism and the Neoclassical Trap,” which promotes the Austrian School of economics and advocates for minimal government intervention in the market. Originally planning to promote the book at a literary event, Milei switched venues after organizers criticized his policies. Taking the stage at the Luna Park arena, Milei thanked the critics for inadvertently giving him a larger platform to showcase his ideas. His passion for music and performance added an entertaining element to the event, reflecting his unconventional approach to economics and politics.

Milei’s popularity has grown amid Argentina’s worsening economic crisis, with high poverty rates and skyrocketing inflation. Implementing austerity measures that have affected the lower and middle classes, Milei has faced criticism for exacerbating the country’s woes. However, his unapologetic stance and defiance of political norms have resonated with many supporters who see him as a symbol of change and disruption in a tumultuous time. Despite facing diplomatic tensions with Spain over his remarks about the socialist prime minister, Milei remains steadfast in his beliefs, drawing admiration from his devoted followers.

With a strong support base that includes fervent admirers willing to brave harsh conditions and long wait times to see him in person, Milei’s appeal transcends traditional political boundaries. Embracing his role as a maverick figure challenging the status quo, Milei has positioned himself as a bold and unorthodox leader in Argentine politics. While critics may question his policies and rhetoric, there is no denying the impact he has had on the country’s political landscape and the enthusiasm he generates among his followers. As Argentina grapples with ongoing challenges, Milei’s presence as a charismatic and polarizing figure adds a layer of intrigue to the nation’s political discourse.

Overall, Javier Milei’s book presentation in Buenos Aires showcased not only his economic theories but also his ability to captivate and energize a diverse audience. As a controversial and enigmatic figure in Argentine politics, Milei continues to draw attention and spark debate, challenging conventional wisdom and inspiring both fervent supporters and vocal critics. Whether he can translate his charisma and popularity into meaningful change for the country remains to be seen, but one thing is certain—Milei’s presence in the political arena is far from ordinary.

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