Alison Hammond has been hosting ITV’s For The Love Of Dogs following the unexpected death of Paul O’Grady. She recently confirmed the final episode of the series on social media. Although she has received mixed reviews from viewers, an ITV spokesperson stated that they were pleased with her work and had not made any decisions about her future on the show. Alison expressed her love for the show and shared a photo from the final episode on her Instagram Stories.

Despite taking over from the late Paul O’Grady, Alison’s casting as the host of For The Love Of Dogs has not been well received by some viewers. Critics have questioned whether she was the right person for the role, especially since she does not own any pets herself. Reports indicated that producers were disappointed with the new series and that discussions were ongoing about Alison’s future as the presenter on the show. ITV later clarified that the rumors about her future were untrue and that everyone was pleased with her performance on the show.

In a post on her Instagram Stories, Alison expressed her love for the show and shared a photo from the final episode of For The Love Of Dogs. The post generated mixed reactions from viewers who have been following her journey as the new host. The show, which features heartwarming stories about dogs at Battersea Dogs & Cats Home, has a loyal following of fans who have been eagerly anticipating the final episode. Alison’s tenure as the presenter has brought a different energy to the show, and some viewers have enjoyed her enthusiasm and warmth.

Alison’s time as the host of For The Love Of Dogs has been met with both praise and criticism. While some viewers have embraced her as a refreshing presence on the show, others have questioned her suitability for the role. Despite the mixed reviews, Alison expressed her gratitude for the opportunity to host the show and shared her excitement for the final episode. The future of her role on the show remains uncertain, with ongoing discussions about her continued involvement in the program.

The final episode of For The Love Of Dogs, hosted by Alison Hammond, is set to air on ITV. The show has captured the hearts of viewers with its heartwarming stories about dogs in need of a loving home. Alison’s hosting stint has brought a new perspective to the show, with her bubbly personality and warmth resonating with some viewers. As the series comes to a close, fans of the show are eagerly anticipating the final episode and are curious to see what the future holds for Alison as the presenter. Despite the ups and downs, Alison’s love for the show is evident, and she remains grateful for the experience.

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