Scooter Braun, a prominent music manager, recently announced his retirement from the music industry after 23 years. The decision comes nearly a year after he parted ways with several big clients, including Justin Bieber and Ariana Grande. In a heartfelt Instagram post, Braun shared his reflections on his career and the factors that led to his decision to step away from music management.

Braun admitted that his retirement had been a long time coming as he had been contemplating the idea for a while but was hesitant to take the leap. Having managed artists since he was 19 years old, he had built his entire adult life around being available for his clients 24/7. However, as his children grew older and his personal life faced challenges, Braun realized that he needed to prioritize his family and make more time for them.

Moving forward, Braun will shift his focus towards his role as CEO and board member of Hybe America, an entertainment company that continues to work with artists like Ariana Grande. Additionally, he plans to invest in entrepreneurs and serve as a national board member of Make-a-Wish. He expressed gratitude for his partner, Chairman Bang Si-Hyuk, for understanding his need to step back from music management and prioritize other aspects of his life.

While he did not explicitly mention the reason for parting ways with his biggest client last summer, reports suggested that Bieber and Grande were among those who decided to leave Braun as their manager. Braun acknowledged that the change was a result of a higher calling and expressed his unwavering support for his former clients. He reflected on the many successful collaborations and achievements he had witnessed throughout his career, expressing pride in the growth and success of artists he had worked with.

Braun’s post also included nostalgia for the special moments he had shared with his clients, such as Bieber and Grande reaching milestones in their careers. He recognized their accomplishments and expressed gratitude for being a part of their journey to becoming legendary artists. Despite not knowing how his career in music management would end, Braun expressed contentment in transitioning to a new chapter and trusting in a higher plan for his future endeavors.

In conclusion, Scooter Braun’s decision to retire from music management marks a significant milestone in his career. While reflecting on his time in the industry and the relationships he had developed with artists, Braun acknowledged the importance of family and personal well-being in his decision to step away. As he embarks on a new journey in the entertainment industry and beyond, Braun expressed gratitude for his past experiences and looks forward to new opportunities that align with his values and priorities.

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