Madonna, 65, and her boxer boyfriend Josh Popper, 30, have decided to end their year-long romance as the singer travels the world on her Celebration Tour. The former couple first met through Madonna’s son, David Banda, who was taking boxing lessons from Popper. According to a source, Madonna’s hectic schedule prevented the couple from spending time together and their relationship eventually fizzled out. Despite the breakup, the insider revealed that there is no bad blood between Madonna and Popper, and they are still fond of each other. They have decided to cool off their relationship for now but remain friends.

The split between Madonna and Josh Popper comes after months of not seeing each other due to Madonna’s busy schedule on her Celebration Tour. The insider mentioned that while their relationship doesn’t feel feasible at the moment, Madonna and Popper have decided to stay friends. The decision to end their romance was mutual, and there are no hard feelings between the two. Madonna’s worldwide tour has kept her occupied, leaving little time for her to spend with Popper, ultimately leading to the breakup. Despite the challenges of maintaining a relationship while on tour, Madonna and Popper have decided to remain on good terms.

Madonna’s relationship with Josh Popper began when they met through her son, David Banda, who was taking boxing lessons from Popper. The couple had been together for a year before deciding to end their romance. The source revealed that Madonna and Popper are still fond of each other, showcasing that there is no animosity between them. Even with their busy schedules and the challenges of a long-distance relationship, Madonna and Popper have chosen to remain friends after their breakup. Their decision to cool off their relationship was driven by the practical difficulties they faced due to Madonna’s hectic tour schedule.

The split between Madonna and Josh Popper sheds light on the challenges of maintaining a relationship amidst busy schedules and long-distance circumstances. Madonna’s worldwide tour has consumed much of her time, leaving little opportunity for her to spend with Popper. Despite their year-long romance, Madonna and Popper have decided to part ways amicably, recognizing that their relationship is currently unfeasible. The decision to end their romance was based on their mutual understanding of the constraints posed by Madonna’s busy schedule on the Celebration Tour. While parting ways, Madonna and Popper have chosen to remain on good terms and cherish the fond memories of their time together.

Madonna’s breakup with Josh Popper has garnered attention due to the significant age difference between the two, with Madonna being 65 years old and Popper being 30 years old. Despite the age gap, Madonna and Popper’s relationship flourished for a year before they decided to cool off their romance. The source revealed that Madonna and Popper have ended their relationship on good terms and remain friends. The breakup was influenced by Madonna’s hectic tour schedule and the challenges of maintaining a long-distance relationship. The mutual decision to end their romance highlights the maturity and understanding between Madonna and Popper as they navigate the complexities of their personal lives amidst their respective careers.

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