During an event at the Festival dell’Economia in Trento, Matteo Salvini, the Vice President of the Council and Minister of Infrastructure and Transport, expressed his thoughts on the future of Europe and its role in protecting its borders, such as Lampedusa, Brenner, Ventimiglia, and Trieste. He emphasized the need for a common industrial policy to shield European entrepreneurs from unfair Chinese competition. Salvini questioned the feasibility and command structure of a common army for Europe, stating that decisions and leadership would present significant challenges. He believes that the original vision for Europe, as envisioned by figures such as De Gasperi, was for peace, prosperity, and employment, and that the current bureaucratic structure will need to adapt to meet these goals.

Salvini also reaffirmed his commitment to the construction of a bridge across the Strait of Messina, describing it as a project that would combat organized crime. He called for increased government intervention in cases where private concessionaires fail to invest in necessary infrastructure projects, suggesting a new model for highway concessions where the government would take a more active role. While Salvini emphasized that he did not advocate for full nationalization, he stressed the importance of setting clear regulations for private investment in infrastructure, with the government overseeing and enforcing these rules.

During Salvini’s speech, activists for climate initiatives interrupted the event to express their concerns and demand greater government action on environmental issues. They called for a stronger commitment to climate policies and a rejection of nuclear energy, citing alternative technologies as safer and more environmentally friendly solutions. In response, Salvini defended the necessity of nuclear power as a crucial component of the energy mix, highlighting its safety, cost-efficiency, and low environmental impact.

In the context of Trentino, Salvini discussed various transportation and infrastructure projects, including the construction of a railway bypass in Trento and ongoing negotiations regarding the Valdastico project. He confirmed that funding was secured for the railway bypass and that construction was set to commence in June. Salvini remained noncommittal on the Valdastico project and emphasized ongoing discussions between regional leaders. Additionally, he announced upcoming tender processes for the renewal of the A22 motorway concession, highlighting the unique case of the Autobrennero company as a model of virtuous management.

The A22 motorway concession, held by Autostrada del Brennero, has been extended multiple times since its initial expiration in 2014, with the most recent extension granted based on a proposed project financing model. The Minister of Transport has indicated that tender processes for the concession renewal will be initiated soon, with the best bidder securing the contract. Regional leaders, including the President of the province Fugatti, expressed confidence in Salvini’s reassurances regarding the future of transportation infrastructure in Trentino, particularly in relation to the A22 motorway and other key projects. The dialogue between government officials and private sector stakeholders remains essential for driving sustainable and efficient development in the region.

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