The 30th-anniversary celebration of the Rome LGBTQ+ Pride parade took place with tens of thousands of people participating in the march through the Italian capital. Many individuals dressed in brightly colored outfits, waving banners and singing to mark gay rights and make a statement about recent comments made by Pope Francis. The parade included signs and banners that poked fun at the pontiff’s recent use of the term “faggotness” while speaking in Italian during a meeting with bishops, where he reaffirmed the Vatican’s ban on gay men entering seminaries and becoming priests.

During the parade, a woman on a large motorcycle displayed a sign that read, “Attention, from here on high levels of faggotry,” in response to the Pope’s controversial comments. A man dressed as Pope Francis also held a sign that stated, “There is too much faggotry in this parade,” highlighting the divide in opinions regarding LGBTQ+ rights in Italy. The leader of Italy’s main opposition party, Elly Schlein, a strong supporter of LGBTQ+ rights, danced on a float at the center of the parade, showcasing her differing views from Italian Premier Giorgia Meloni, whose Brother of Italy party opposes marriage equality, gay adoption, and surrogate pregnancies.

Some parade participants took the opportunity to make light-hearted jabs at political figures with anti-LGBTQ+ views. A sign reading, “I don’t like Meloni, but I like melons and red hair,” was held up by a woman, referencing Meloni’s opposition to LGBTQ+ rights. Another sign mocked Gen. Roberto Vannacci, a newly elected member of Parliament from the right-wing League party, who was previously fired by Italy’s defense minister for offensive remarks toward marginalized groups. The sign humorously implied that if Vannacci views the LGBTQIA+ community as a minority, he should meet the seminarians of Pope Francis to gain a different perspective.

The Rome LGBTQ+ Pride parade not only served as a celebration of gay rights but also as a platform for highlighting the ongoing struggle for LGBTQ+ equality in Italy. The event brought together individuals from various backgrounds and perspectives, showcasing both support for the community and opposition to discriminatory views held by certain political figures. The parade emphasized the importance of continued activism and advocacy for LGBTQ+ rights in the country, urging for greater acceptance and inclusion for all individuals, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity.

As the parade marked its 30th anniversary, it signified the progress made in advancing LGBTQ+ rights in Italy over the years, while also acknowledging the challenges that remain in achieving full equality and acceptance. The colorful and vibrant display of solidarity at the parade demonstrated the resilience and determination of the LGBTQ+ community and its allies in the fight against discrimination and prejudice. Going forward, the hope is that events like the Rome LGBTQ+ Pride parade will continue to raise awareness, promote diversity, and inspire positive change in society for the benefit of all individuals, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity.

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