In the past month, the Yunus teams affiliated with the Security Directorate in the city center conducted operations in which they seized 45 unlicensed pistols and arrested 174 suspects, including 76 wanted for narcotics crimes.
After the police procedures, 18 of the suspects were arrested and referred to the judicial authorities.

The operations were part of the ongoing efforts by the security forces to combat crime and maintain public safety in the city. The Yunus teams have been working tirelessly to apprehend individuals involved in illegal activities and to seize illegal weapons.
The successful operations have led to the arrest of a significant number of suspects and the confiscation of a large number of unlicensed firearms, which has helped to prevent potential criminal incidents in the city.

The police are continuing their efforts to crack down on crime and apprehend individuals involved in illegal activities. The arrest of 174 suspects, the confiscation of 45 unlicensed guns, and the apprehension of individuals wanted for narcotics crimes demonstrate the determination of the security forces to maintain law and order in the city.
The police have been working diligently to ensure the safety and security of the residents and to prevent criminal activities from taking place in the city center.

The Yunus teams have been successful in their operations, leading to the arrest of numerous suspects and the seizure of illegal weapons. The operations have been part of the continuous efforts by the security forces to combat crime and maintain public safety in the city.
The security forces are committed to ensuring the safety and security of the residents and will continue their efforts to crack down on crime and apprehend individuals involved in illegal activities.

Through their dedication and hard work, the Yunus teams have been able to make a significant impact in combating crime in the city center. The successful operations have led to the arrest of numerous suspects and the confiscation of illegal firearms, helping to prevent potential criminal incidents and maintain law and order in the city.

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