In a statement from the Governor’s Office, it was announced that the Provincial Gendarmerie Command continues its efforts to combat terrorism and ensure public safety and security. In the past week, 12 members of terrorist organizations who were trying to escape to Greece were captured at the border by the gendarmerie teams. Among the suspects, 2 were identified as PKK members, 1 as ISIS member, and the rest as members of FETO.

The suspects are currently undergoing processing by the gendarmerie. The operations conducted by the teams have been successful in preventing individuals with links to various terrorist organizations from fleeing the country. The efforts of the Provincial Gendarmerie Command in maintaining security and combating terrorism are ongoing, with a focus on apprehending individuals involved in illegal activities.

The successful capture of the 12 terrorists attempting to escape to Greece highlights the importance of the ongoing efforts by the gendarmerie in preventing individuals with ties to terrorist organizations from leaving the country. The identification of the suspects as members of PKK, ISIS, and FETO underscores the threat posed by these groups and the importance of continued vigilance in combating terrorism.

The ongoing operations by the gendarmerie are crucial in maintaining public safety and security, particularly in border regions where individuals may attempt to escape to neighboring countries. The identification and capture of individuals involved in illegal activities such as terrorism are essential in preventing further threats to national security and ensuring the safety of the public.

The commitment of the Provincial Gendarmerie Command to combat terrorism and maintain public safety is evident in their successful operations in capturing individuals linked to terrorist organizations. The ongoing efforts of the gendarmerie in preventing illegal border crossings and apprehending suspects demonstrate their dedication to ensuring the security of the country and its citizens.

As the processing of the suspects continues, it is clear that the efforts of the gendarmerie in combating terrorism and maintaining public safety remain a top priority for law enforcement authorities. The successful capture of individuals attempting to flee to Greece underscores the importance of ongoing vigilance and cooperation in preventing threats to national security.

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